Monday, December 5, 2011

Pre-1951 All-Stars

I've been on a kick lately of figuring out awards that never got handed out. I'm not sure why. But it's fun. So let's just keep on rolling with it. Here's the All-Stars from before the first All-Star Game in 1951.

Ernie Calverley, PRO
Howie Dallmar, PHW
Bob Feerick, WSC
Joe Fulks, PHW
Art Hillhouse, PHW
Bones McKinney, WSC
Leo Mogus, TRH
Johnny Norlander, WSC
Fred Scolari, WSC
Earl Shannon, PRO
Connie Simmons, BOS
Irv Torgoff, WSC

John Barr, STB
Frankie Baumholtz, CLR
Don Carlson, CHS
Coulby Gunther, PIT
Chick Halbert, CHS
John Janisch, DTF
John Logan, STB
Stan Miasek, DTF
Ed Sadowski, CLR
Kenny Sailors, CLR
Jim Seminoff, CHS
Max Zaslofsky, CHS

Carl Braun, NYK
Howie Dallmar, PHW
Jerry Fleishman, PHW
Joe Fulks, PHW
Chick Halbert, PHW
Dick Holub, NYK
Lee Knorek, NYK
Ray Kuka, NYK
Bud Palmer, NYK
Ed Sadowski, BOS
George Senesky, PHW
Butch Van Breda Kolff, NYK

Bob Feerick, WSC
Chuck Gilmur, CHS
Paul Hoffman, BLB
Buddy Jeannette, BLB
John Logan, STB
Stan Miasek, CHS
Johnny Norlander, WSC
Chuck Reiser, BLB
Red Rocha, STB
Fred Scolari, WSC
Belus Smawley, STB
Max Zaslofsky, CHS

Carl Braun, NYK
Walt Budko, BLB
Bob Feerick, WSC
Joe Fulks, PHW
Lee Knorek, NYK
Bud Palmer, NYK
Jake Pelkington, BLB
Bones McKinney, WSC
Ed Sadowski, PHW
Ken Sailors, PRO
Jim Seminoff, BOS
Connie Simmons, BLB

Bob Davies, ROC
Arnie Johnson, ROC
John Logan, STB
Ray Lumpp, INJ
George Mikan, MNL
Andy Phillip, CHS
Jim Pollard, MNL
Arnie Risen, ROC
Herm Schaefer, MNL
Belus Smawley, STB
Bobby Wanzer, ROC
Max Zaslofsky, CHS

Okay, 1950 is weird. The NBA had three Divisions instead of two Conferences. So... here's a list of the 24 best players that year, and I can divvy them up later if I ever actually want to simulate this game.

Ralph Beard, INO
Carl Braun, NYK
Frankie Brian, AND
Al Cervi, SYR
Fred Curran, ROC
Bob Davies, ROC
Harry Gallatin, NYK
Alex Groza, INO
John Hargis, AND
Arnie Johnson, ROC
Ed Macauley, STB
George Mikan, MNL
Vern Mikkelsen, MNL
Leo Mogus, PHW
Jack Nichols, WSC
Don Otten, TRI
Andy Phillip, CHS
Jim Pollard, MNL
Red Rocha, STB
Fred Schaus, FTW
Dolph Schayes, SYR
Ed Stanczak, AND
Bobby Wanzer, ROC
Max Zaslofsky, CHS

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